Back from Break

Its been three weeks since I have posted an update. I spent two of those weeks on "block leave". This was leave that we were all highly encouraged to take in light of the fact that our trip to the desert is not far away.

I spent my first week of block leave in Colorado. I had a great time. I saw many old friends and made a couple of new ones. Among other activities, I played with Chara and Roma, went mountain biking (see attached picture) and, of course, hit the bars in Old Town. My only regret about the week is that I did not get to see everyone I would have liked to have reconnected with in Colorado. Oh well, I will probably be back sometime in 2007.

I spent the second week of block leave in Tennessee. My friend Jay, who I have known since law school came out to visit. We spent our time driving between Chattanooga, Nashville, and Clarksville looking for the best bars and clubs and restaurants. Jay did a respectable job of keeping up with this soldier considering he's a bit out practice - what with being married and all.

I've been back in Clarksville for about a week now. It is always very hard for me to come back to Army life after taking leave. There is nothing like spending a few weeks as a carefree civilian to make me miss parts of the life I gave up when I enlisted way back in November, 2003. Now that I have been back a few days, however, I am getting into the routine again and dont really mind being here. I just wish I was flying.
