A fabilous MySQL tool

NAVICATA couple of days back I had the opportunity to listen to a session on MySQL from Apple's 2005 World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC). The speaker mentioned Navicat and their MySQL tool. Two downloads later (one on OS X and one on Windows XP) and I'm convinced.

Navicat is simply the greatest interface for maintaining MySQL databases on any platform. There is a Linux version I haven't tried yet but I'd have high expectations based on the Windows and Mac products. The company also has a new PostgreSQL product but I've had less success with it. Back to the MySQL version. In just minutes I had the free trial version fix a database broken by my paid copy of MyDBConverter. Without explanation MyDBConverter had opted to sync only 455 of the 1450 rows in a table. Navicat had no problem making the conversion happen smoothly.

Additional features in Navicat include the ability to sync data structures across servers easily, solid backup routines, and facilities for all sorts of data conversion from loading text files to Access Databases or ODBC connections.
