
iTunes Wishlist

Two shows that would have a great market on iTunes Music Store. The complete Tour de France and the complete National Finals Rodeo.

Podcast playback

One of the things that came with moving back to the west was the distance between us and one of the greatest NPR stations KUNC. Always a joy to listen to KUNC did not go for the all talk format, nor did they assume that the folks listening wanted a monoculture of classical music. Instead they have a great variety of music and an outstanding collection of shows from National Public Radio and American Public Media.

Enter Podcasting and the ability to get top notch programming delivered to my desktop and then to the iPod or CD. Combine this with iTunes Music Store and there's little reason one need leave the house, ever. But alas things are not perfect. Apple excludes Podcasts from the playlist in the iTunes Party Shuffle so the best way to play a somewhat random mix of music back throughout the day excludes podcasts. There are some scripts like this one that plays NPR's Hourly News reports. What we really need now in iTunes is a good way of scheduling our own semi-automatic quasi-radio schedules with a mix of music and talk that meets our needs.

iTunes Requests

A couple of days ago I mentioned some necessary changes to iTunes. It took a day longer than expected but I did get them submitted and we'll see what happens. The trigger that reminded me to do it was an email from NAVTEQ following up on a map error I reported in July.

We are pleased to inform you that our investigation of your reported Map Feedback has been completed. Here is the detailed resolution from our database tracking system:

Upon field and source verification, the street name was changed to ....

Very nice. And nice that they sent an email instead of depending on me to keep visiting their site.

Its Showtime

Apple's press event today brought lots of enhancements and some new toys. iTV looks great and will doubtless be very cool when paired with eyeTV or other video-in hardware.

However the biggest announcement, especially for those of us with computers that have vastly different internet connection qualities, is the announcement of iPod syncing for music libraries.


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