
Farewell comments

For quite some time I have been thinking about how to make sites that are more useful and better assembled. No this is not a post-CMS look how we're managing content like it is 1995 post. But how to best put together sites that have services that the site or a small group of sites consume. The Distributed Blocks module in Drupal is a piece of this that I have batted around with several folks much brighter than me (I don't have any experience with the Distributed Blocks module or involvement in it's creation just an example of the sort of distributed SaaS solution I've envisioned.)

At any rate while I was doing some work on this site today I was facing the problem of what to do with commenting. The comments here haven't been used in a long time for anything but an attempt to spam the site. In the typical flow of things there are waves of time when spammers overwhelm or come up with a new technique to get past the excellent Mollom service. Over the last few years I've removed far more spam posts than there have been meaningful additions.

Mollom brings enhanced content protection

MollomMollom moved from a private beta to public beta today. I've been fortunate enough to participate in the private beta and can say this stuff rocks. There are plenty of methods of protecting sites from spam and bad content, but this is by far the best so far. The problem with many systems is they treat legitimate users as the enemy. At least with traditional CAPTCHA systems is that they challenge the user for an answer before the user has provided any information to suggest they should be challenged. Users pay the penalty for the bad behavior of the spam bots. There are systems that work around this and some like Akismet have done pretty well on this site. The problem, however, with many of these services is that they can still be gamed to a greater extent. And, since the spambots don't recognize that their attempts to add content have been unsuccessful they merrily pound away on the server. The other methods also generally call for administrators to monitor things pretty closely. With all the great spam tools there would still be a couple of spam posts a week that would slip through on this site. During the transition to Mollom a bot was actually attempt to post. In the few seconds the site was unprotected a couple of posts slipped through. In the weeks since nary a errant post has been made (aside from one on an article which should not have been configured to accept comments but that wasn't spam).

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