Treo650 Update

It has been about six weeks since I got the Treo650 cell phone. I've been quite happy with it and thought I'd share a little bit about how it has worked so far. To start with here, in order, are the applications I use the most:

  • Business Connect (Lotus Notes)
  • Solitare
  • VersaMail
  • Phone
  • Web Browser
  • Camera Phone
  • others....

The email function has worked much better than I expected. It is a little frustrating because the Lotus Notes client, by marking the messages as read, prevents the POP client from downloading them until they are marked as unread again. I've also had problems with VersaMail, one corespondent of mine sends mail to a group of people including me. When this happens and I attempt to read the email the Treo does a reset and reboots. It has something to do with his long "To:" list I suspect since emails only to me don't cause the same reaction.

Web browsing has been pretty good. The main use I've had is directions and lookup of how to get places. It is not fast, but it does work pretty well as long as you have time to devote to it, and don't think about doing it while driving.
