YoMoBlog.com suports Drupal

Dave Winer has setup a new service at YoMoBlog.com to make it easy to submit blog posts using PDA web-browsers. The great thing is it works with Drupal right out of the box.

I haven't caught the "mobile blogging" bug yet for public blogs, but it will be nice for private blogs where I need to add a note quickly on the run.

Update: It doesn't seem to get the category on the post all the time. I'm sure this will be worked out shortly but in the meantime there may be a need to check the category.



does Drupal support the Metaweblog API?

I do hope so - then I can add it to the list of blogging systems which I am getting the 'blogHUD' to post to - from Second Life ;)

drupal site

i use drupal to build a site

Mobile Blogging is a great

Mobile Blogging is a great way to stay informed on industry news as well. I love sites/app/widgets that help me as a gamer stay informed, not to mention RSS feeds.