July 2006

River of news

This post mentions Earthlink's new RSS news reader says "Until yesterday these were the only aggregators that worked this way." Well, that too is not quite correct. Drupal has for at least a few years included an aggregrator that works in the River of News format. Granted that Drupal's aggregrator doesn't have some of the other features for easily marking posts as read, but it's been doing river of news for a long time.

Prevent iPod Podcast updates

So I have a setup I like well for keeping the iPod up to date. I don't carry much music on the laptop because I have too little disk space and usually carry the iPod with the laptop so I already have all the music. But when on the road I sometimes want to charge the iPod from the laptop. The problem is that with the iPod set to auto-update the podcasts on the iPod are wiped out.

So the problem is how to charge the iPod from the laptop without having the podcasts stored there wiped out? By launching iPod Updater before plugging in the iPod iTunes is never told that an iPod is attached. The iPod charges and the podcasts are left alone.


An early morning travel day today. McCarran in the early mornings is one of the best places to be flying from. It doesn't hurt that I'm out at the newest gates, the D-Gates, which are easily the nicest at the airport. Today also brings an layover in Denver. It seems I haven't been back to Denver International Airport since March of 2004 when I went through on the way back from a friend's wedding. Oh how time flies when life is busy.Today's mile-high stop is just a stop over on the way to Inidanapolis en-route to Bloomington, Indiana for a meeting. As always the free WiFi network is great. I used the EvDo last night for the town meeting in Sandy Valley and it was good but the wireless here is great. Of course without it I'd still not know about my breakfast choice but it could have been considerably worse.

The dirty secret of youth sports

The New York Times airs the dirty secret of high school sports. There's the old coach's tale that high school coaches far and wide trumpet how their athletes are learning how to be fit for life. Then there's the reality where most of them aren't learning life skills but are instead engaged in something which they cannot sustain and aren't learning much useful in the process. That does not mean, however, that school districts strapped for money will consider cutting athletic budgets anytime soon.

Poor OLN journalism

Viewers of the Tour de France have been seeing the ads that later this year the Outdoor Life Network will change it's name to VERSUS. Seems like a silly change but it also seems their goal is to be yet another ESPN knock-off.

Tonight, however, they mentioned "tune in tomorrow for a big announcement from Floyd Landis' team". Wondering what the big news will be tomorrow? Head over to Google or any newspaper and you'll soon learn that Landis will have hip replacement after the Tour.

Comment Spam

A couple of days ago I upgraded to the latest version of Badbehavior to deal with comment spam. Later the same day a friend asked if I'd upgraded and I said yes, wondering why the question. Of course it turned out there was a new version out in the hours between my upgrade and his question. So it goes....So far Badbehavior 2 doesn't work with Drupal 4.7 (or any version for that matter). I've yet to put in any cycles trying to figure it out. Today I did downoad the Drupal spam module again and we'll give it a spin. Having been hit with comment spam the last few days it will be good to see if the spam module works. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...


Almost enough to make one consider using Windows. Almost.Actually it does bring to mind what I'd love to see. Livestrong and Nike already partner on the Wear Yellow campaign. We've also seen Nike and Apple team up to make some pretty cool running products. And of course there's also the U2 iPod. So what we need now is for Apple to team up with Nike, Livestrong and Shimano or one of the other bicycle computer manufacturers in order to create the Livestrong iPod. In addition to being great music for your workout it will communicate with sensors placed on the bicycle to act as a bike computer as well. Plus when you get home from your ride it will upload the stats to your computer and a special website.
