
Mob turns on Google

It seems the lynch mob after Google this morning over this result. It seems that if you search for "She Invented" in Google it returns "Did you mean He Invented?" at the top of the results. Of course with little research many are running off suggesting this is some kind of evil, anti-feminine plot. In reality it has far more to do with how Google spell check works. As that page points out when you search for "United Stats" it asks if you meant "United States". It isn't that "United Stats" has a mis-spelled word but rather that most people who search for "United Stats" modify their search to "United States". This brings up the question of how many searches one would have to do to game the system. Imagine what could be done with searches for "bad companies" and having "Did you mean our main competitor" pop up. Maybe that's the next step in search engine optimization/marketing -- blackhat version.

Silly limits

Google's Apps for Domains has been in beta for a while now. The service is a nice way to combine several great Google services with one's own domain. Personalized start pages, calendars and email are a few of the services available. Nevertheless, Google also makes some silly choices. For example in signing up for a new domain name today the following email arrived:

Thanks for your interest in Google Apps for Your Domain. Unfortunately, we are not able to invite your domain into the beta at this time, because you have reached the maximum number of domains per administrator. If we increase this limit, we'll let you know by email.

Now I wonder how they imagine this actually works. Do they imagine that people who are astute enough to reach the "domain limit" will balk at having more than one Google account to sign up additional domains with? That domain administrators reaching this limit do not have more than one Google account already would come as a bit of a surprise.

Google Data API for Drupal

One of the projects for Google's 2006 summer of code was the GData Module in Drupal.

My thoughts on the applications of this range from a community event calendar and either a supplement or replacement for the event module that would interface to Google Calendar. Also the ability to have a Google Calendar tied into a Drupal work flow would be excellent.

Google maps adds features

Though you might draw a different conclusion from the titles of the last several posts here this hasn't become a Google cheerleader site. However, Google is simply doing cool stuff that works well. A friend pointed out how has better maps, but they don't work on Macintosh/Safari.

However this evening as we were sitting at home a call came out for the fire service and as I usually do I typed the address into google. In addition to the map the small locator is in the bottom corner of the map. It is handy and the arrow allows you to show and hide the locator as well as using the box to navigate the thumbnail map.

A calendaring solution?

There's been a struggle going on lately on my computer. I've about decided the only way to solve the calendaring conundrum is to put down the big bucks for Now-Up-To-Date. Then today comes news that Google Calendar is on its way. But of course the news doesn't solve the problem. Now it's a new problem: Can I wait for Google Calendar or do I have to spend cash on the interim? Oh, the complications of modern life.

Thanks but now I've got finger prints on the screen

Google had a really cool header graphic yesterday in honor of Louis Braille's Birthday. Only problem is now I've got fingerprints on my screen. When will they honor the birthday of the person who came up with screen cleaners?


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