
Legislative countdown

As we begin the countdown to the start of the 73rd session of the Nevada Legislature on February 7th articles and opinion pieces are starting to pick up around the state. The Lahontan Valley News has an opinion piece lobbying for a state lottery.

Meanwhile an anti-smoking initiative petition is seeking relief from the courts. The groups promoting the petition were dealt a setback when Secretry of State Dean Heller said the petition needed ten percent of the voters in the 2004 general election instead of the 2002 general election since the petition was presented after the November 2nd election.

Snow in Las Vegas

Reports are that it is snowing up to two inches in Las Vegas. Around UNLV and the airport it is not so snowy as it is just wet and cold. Here are a few quick pictures from the camera phone this morning.

Voting for your boss

One of the interesting things about working for a university in a state where there is an elected board of regents is that you get a vote on who will be on the governing board of the institution you work for.

A broken record?

A month after serving as standard-bearer for the Republican's "contract with Nevada" assemblyman Chad Christensen is once again being asked to answer why he again has violated Nevada's campaign finance laws. The 7-item contract with Nevada suggests a new and different direction. The actions of it's supporters suggest they're up to the same old tricks.

Regional differences

It's interesting being back in Fort Collins this weekend. 13 hours plus a time change door to door. It is much greener here. The colors are just gorgeous across I-70. Many times in the past few years when we've made the trip at this time of year we've flown so it's been a while since the beautiful colors had been on our agenda. Hopefully the trip back will accord more time to stop and enjoy the scenery.


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