Bah Humbug!

I made the pilgrimage to see about finishing up the Christmas shopping today. In addition there were a couple of little things like the knob for the gas control on the fire place I needed to replace. People are just plain crazy. I've decided that this will be an online and mail order shopping season. I am planning on getting a few things that I thought would be better to pickup in person but they too will be delivered.

What is it about Christmas shopping that makes people drive like they own the road? I can't count the number of times today I saw someone get out of a line traffic, into the right turn only lane, and then at the last minute stop and block traffic until they were allowed to cut back into the front of the line they came from.

Giving up I decided to pick up some Del Taco on the way home. $4.14 was the total and I gave a $20 dollar bill to the teenager at the window. He handed me back $15.13 and asked if I wanted extra sauce with my order. No. I asked him for the proper change telling him that I should have gotten $15.86. I ended up driving away with $15.76 as trying to explain it any further would have been too tiring.
