
Barnett needs to go

Being close to the epicenter of the CU scandal we hear a lot about it each day. The deal right now with coach Barnett is that he continues to earn about $114 an hour. There does not need to be an extensive investigation to understand he finds it appropriate to respond to a young woman's rape allegations with statements about her playing ability. Nor will it take weeks to uncover that, once caught, he gave a hollow apology that shows he doesn't understand that his original statements were inappropriate. It is time for the leadership of the University of Colorado to step up and remove Barnett. He continues to be paid as an "investigation" goes on into the program.

Communications 101

A lot has happened up the road at the University of Colorado this week. The allegations are terrible. If but a small portion of them are true it leads one to believe that major changes are needed. Is CU the only school with such transgressions? I doubt it. It doesn't make it acceptable but it should be a clear message to other programs to get their houses cleaned up. It has been very disturbing to listen to the Buff's coach this week. Even after being suspended his comments suggest he doesn't get it. He said "I sincerely regret that yesterday a portion of my remarks were either misinterpreted or taken ... aired out of context. I apologize for answering that question in a manner where I must have come across as insensitive."

SCO's moving

The SCO Group made a very public show of changing the IP address of their www server. Yesterday when it was "down" it was not providing an address. The name servers on their network were reachable and were responding but did not provide a response to the request for an address for

Maybe I'm not a prude

I thought the halftime show tonight was terrible. It was sleazy, cheap and utterly lacked class. Evidently the NFL agrees. Thankfully they took the high road and issued a statement before the game ended.

I just found out from watching the news that I missed the "event" that they were talking about. Janet Jackson did more than 'dirty dancing' and revealed her breast at the end of the show. If this is the sole complaint then I'm afraid they have missed the point. CBS and the NFL were at the rehearsals earlier in the week according to our local news.

Last Year

I remember the morning a year ago so very well. Just as I remember the morning of January 28, 1986. A year ago I was leaving the house to meet with a client in Loveland. The news had a brief story about the return of Columbia that played while I was in the shower. As I left the house the first indications of problems hit NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday. On that winter morning a year ago seven astronauts from around the globe lost their lives. It would take months for NASA's leadership to admit that something could have been done to prevent the tragedy.

Perhaps this time we'll heed the les


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