
UNLV Rebel Yell has an RSS feed

As we head back to school I took the time to check out the RSS feed for the Rebel Yell, the student newspaper at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

Intelligence Officials: Iran Battling U.S. In Iraq

Rumor Control has some particularly disturbing news. According to senior intelligence sources Iran has made a strategic decision to confront American forces in Iraq. Iran, having been labeled by the Bush Administration as a part of the Axis of Evil is taking a page from the US playbook and instead of waiting for an inevitable conflict have begun helping the Shi'a forces in Iraq. There is also a suggestion that the US is behind murder charges against one time Pentagon ally Ahmed Chalabi. Chalabi is now said to be working for the Iran

Raw numbers

In the "if it only meant anything" category comes the news that Bush garnered 15,000 supporters at a rally in Phoenix. Just days ago Kerry managed to get that many people to show up in Las Vegas, a city half the size. Both are states that Electoral Vote Predictor has a marginally favoring Bush. It actually means quite a bit but the election is still too far away.

Kerry's rally was impressive. His daughter Vanessa introduced the next president and he was joined on the stage by a long string of well-known local figures and his family.

Nevada is not a wasteland is asking everyone to join in encouraging unity in our fight against making Yucca Mountain a nuclear waste dump. The plan would cause incredibly toxic waste to be transported across the country through large and small towns and increase the number of terrorist targets throughout America.

Hope and Optimism in Boston

Michael Byron, a candidate for California's House District 49 writes from the Democratic National Convention about the restrictions on those who would protest the convention. Both conventions have been declared "National Security Events"Protest is a fundamental right enshrined in Article I of our Constitution. (A note that this should really read "the First Amendment to our constitution", Article 1 has to do with the structure of Congress not the freedom of assembly and speech.)


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