Joshua Brauer's tweets

recently the app always goes to the document chooser rather than the last page I was on. Is there som… years 9 months ago
Until the signal timing is known to be good at peak times can there be flaggers there to resolve issues more quickly? — 3 years 10 months ago
former member who lost access when the Apple Music feed was cut several months ago. Will it be fixed sometime? — 5 years 3 months ago
any hope of fixing the stream in Apple Music? — 5 years 6 months ago
Apple Music reports the URL for the stream can’t be found… — 5 years 7 months ago
if you’re looking for the source of the trash littering Chinden between Fred Meyer and Meridian road it… years 8 months ago
Unnecessary attachments in email aren’t just inefficient they’re a sign the recipent’s time isn’t valuable and the… years 5 months ago
Last year they were still claiming to be “monthly” and that I’d get every issue… years 6 months ago
It’s kinda a bad sign when you get a 1099 document on your REI dividend. — 6 years 6 months ago
There could be worse days. years 6 months ago
